This Dealer AFR program is so impactful to a Dealership that every service and parts department can benefit without having to increase traffic or hard to get technicians, because the program becomes yours for updating and additions with changing market conditions for years.
First of all, we do all the behind the scenes work with your input. Utilizing the Dealer AFR unique parts pricing system instantly increasing parts gross without effecting labor
Second, we build all the initial common operation codes needed to properly service your product line utilizing as many of your already established operation codes to avoid your employee's confusion and brings consistency to the entire Dealership.
Thirdly, we design packages that evert vehicle that enters your Dealership can utilize making it easy for the Service Advisor to present at time to write up with out custom built desk top placement for full exposure without even having to ask for the sale!
Lastly we provide you with our custom designed point of sale material depending on your budget and facility all included.